Our boxer dog, Buddy, has a best friend: the UPS guy. The reason Buddy likes the UPS guy so much is that our driver brings dog biscuits with him and Buddy knows that when the truck stops in front of our house, that means it is treat time. Buddy can hear the UPS truck turn into our neighborhood before the truck ever gets to our road, and as soon as he hears the truck, he sits at the window anxiously waiting to see if his friend will stop with a treat. It's kind of sad since Buddy does this every single day, and only once in a while is he rewarded with a visit from his best friend.
It was nice for Buddy that today was his lucky day and his best friend made a visit to our house. As always, Buddy received a treat. It turns out that it was my lucky day too, because Mr. UPS Guy brought me a package from Amazon. I had no idea what the heck was in the box, but I'm not one to complain when it comes to unexpected surprises. Come to find out, Jeff had decided that we need to begin preparing for the kids coming home from college over the holidays, so he bought a new Presto Pizza Maker.
At first, I was underwhelmed with the idea of adding a Pizza Maker to the list of unnecessary items in my home. But that was before we tried it out... now I'm sold on this little pizza making wonder:
Jeff knows that I don't like stuff cluttering up my kitchen counters - something I've celebrated recently since now there are only two of us living in our home and we tend to be very tidy when it comes to cleaning up after ourselves. So rather than listen to me gripe about adding another "thing" to my relatively clean living space, Jeff told me exactly where he was going to store the Pizza Maker as he opened the box. Whew! Anxiety averted - the Pizza Maker has a home and it is not going to be siting on my counter collecting dust. I guess after twenty-two years of marriage, Jeff has figured out how to avoid my anger.
Which leads me to the most entertaining thing I've done all day long: stand at the island in my kitchen watching a pizza go round in a circle for fifteen minutes. Friday nights don't get more exciting than that around here these days -which is a really good thing after spening the last six years of Friday nights worrying about potential missed curfews and broken rules.
Here's what my fifteen minute artichoke and spinach pizza looked like when it was cooking:
And it was delicious. Bonus that clean up was a breeze; in under thirty minutes, we cooked, we ate, and we washed and dried the dishes. Boom. Done! I think I'm going to like this Pizza Maker, and I know John is going to love it since he is my Pizza Kid. Plus, when the Pizza Kid finds out that this new gizmo will also make chicken nuggets and fish sticks, he is going to really like being home where he can make all his favorite snacks in an instant.
So that's that. Friday nights at the House of Edge. We may be boring, but we are never bored.
And I have to admit that I agree with Buddy: the UPS guy is my friend too. I like it when he brings us "treats."
this is Jeremy's favorite thing .. we are on #2 for him as he forgot to pack his when he went to Seattle so instead of trying to get it from Rae (who we LOVE and who LOVES this gadget as much as Jeremy) we just bought him another one :D best thing ever .. he uses it for so much more than pizza too.
Posted by: Cheri Vallery | December 06, 2010 at 12:03 PM
Yum on the pizza. I love me some good gadgets!
Posted by: slammie | November 20, 2010 at 10:59 AM
That does look tasty!
Posted by: Helena | November 19, 2010 at 09:01 PM