I will be the first to admit that I sew slowly. I live by the rule that the slow and steady win the race, whereas the fast and furious crash and burn - at least, when it comes to sewing, that has been my experience - I crash and burn every single time I try to speed up the process... and so I sew slow. I like to think that by doing so, I am able to enjoy the experience all the more. But the real truth is that when I sew slowly, I make fewer mistakes and my stitches are more accurate. In the end, this saves me from having to rip out my work, which I do enough of as it is even with the slow going. In recent years, I've come to refer to my slow and steady pace as The Amish Method, because those people make the most beautiful things, and they do so without electricity - instead, they use treadle machines and turn the wheel by hand. Okay... I don't sew that slow, but sometimes it comes close.
And so when this project, now referred to as the Daisy Kitchen Collection, ended up taking me over two weeks to complete, even I began to wonder if maybe I should speed things up a bit. But with the recent medical issues (a visit to the hospital is a pretty good reason to stop sewing for at least a day), and a son who is turning into a teenage hellion (his latest antics don't even warrant documentation because they are so lame... the boy needs to use his brain!)... well, slow going began to look better than no going at all, because even though things were progressing at a snail's pace, I was able to see progress each and every day.
This project is one that I intend to add to the growing inventory of the still to be determined Etsy Shop. I came up with the design late one night as I was looking through a magazine - there was an advertisement for some brand of allergy medication and the ad design inspired me to think of blues and yellows with daisies scattered about. And so at 11:30 at night, I got out my sketch pad and I started to draw daisies of all kinds (some of those daisies were really bad - but that's how things work... start with the bad and end up with something that fits the concept). The next morning I dug through my fabric stash and pulled out all my blue and yellow material, but I didn't like my choices, so I clipped a coupon and off I went to the fabric store. I found some daisy fabric that perfectly suited the concept I had in mind, and thus began "The Project That Took Forever."
Below is the end result of two weeks of start and stop slow sewing. This is only the third project that I have conceptualized, designed, and developed from start to finish on my own. The pattern is in my mind and if I had to make it again, it would probably turn out differently because that's how my mind works - I go with the flow and wing it as I go. This kitchen set is simple... but I like how it turned out:
Now, the nonsense about my son - the one who is turning into a teenage hellion: I am so blessed to have a support team of friends and family who are always willing to listen to my woes and to offer words of encouragement. Yesterday, I received an email from a very special friend, and I think that she summed things up perfectly. I wanted to share her words because I believe they apply to any teenager who is struggling to find their way, regardless of the actual situation - I do believe that this observation is spot on and applies to all teenagers:
And so to this friend, I say thank you... thank you for putting things into perspective and for helping me see outside of the problem that is so close to my heart... so close, and painful, and frightening that I am often unable to see beyond the moment. After much consideration, I know she's right - John is at the stage where he is going to need to face outside consequences for his irresponsible and unacceptable actions, and when that happens, only then will he realize that my love for him is unconditional. Unfortunately, his consequences may be something that he pays for in ways that he has yet to think through. And so in the meantime, I continue to love, to pray, to support, to guide, and to live in constant fear that his actions are going to harm him in ways that a mother can't fix.
To end this entry on a positive note (and another bit of nonsense), I thought I'd share an elusive photo with you. This is the ONLY picture that has been taken of me and my husband in over ten years, and although I posted it on Facebook, I thought that it also needed to be added to the archives of the blog. I offer it as proof that I really am married... there really is a spouse... I really do love him... and he really does exist in more than just my mind:
As some final nonsense and a bit of daily trivia: Alyssa is home this weekend because she's been so sick at college, we decided to bring her home to her own bed and to see her own doctor. I'll be in full-blown mother mode for the next few days. And when all is said and done, that is the one thing that makes the most happy, even though I feel terrible that my college student is too sick to stay in the dorm!
Happy weekend to all - and to my own mother, I send happy birthday wishes. Smooches to you, Mom, enjoy your birthday and celebrate your life!
the flu has really been going around here in Texas too. hope Alyssa bounces back fast.
Posted by: Becky H | February 24, 2009 at 09:47 PM
Gosh you are a talented seamstress. I am working on a few projects now too, so don't feel bad about taking your time. I've been focusing more on my digital work (check out a few of my fun digital stuff on my blog if you have time) and designing for my little leage team and clients. It's amazing how similar sewing and digital design is! :) Gorgeous work. Post your etsy when you're done uploading.
Posted by: Barbie | February 24, 2009 at 05:25 PM
Love the kitchen set! And I love the picture of you and your hubby so thanks for sharing it.
Teens....sigh! You're friend had very good insight and sometimes it does take someone from the outside looking in. Hang in there Mama, we will get these kids grown yet :-) LOL!
Posted by: Marla | February 24, 2009 at 01:05 PM
My Kelli was home for Valentines weekend. She spent the whole weekend in her room studing for a big exam. That is how she gets her good grades. It turns out that Grandpa is giving her a bad time right now and she needed to get away. We can hardly wait for the next four weeks to be over. Then she will be doing her internship here in town, going back to Yakima for 2 weeks in June then doing her State and Federal test and hopfully finding a job. During this four weeks Michael and I will be taking our second cruise - going to Mexico this time - will be gone from March 7-14. Will send pictures when we get back. Glad that Alyssa was home...sorry shes sick. Nice picture of you and Jeff..haven't seen one of him since you sent a Christmas card of the family years ago. It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years...how time flies. Love Randi
Posted by: Randi | February 22, 2009 at 03:43 PM
I want that Daisy collection!! Too cute. I love how bright and happy it is.
Posted by: Stacy B | February 22, 2009 at 02:47 AM
I totally agree with your friend. I think she is spot on.
Posted by: jade | February 21, 2009 at 05:41 PM
oh man....all this and poor alyssa too???? i think you both should just hole up in your jammies and a warm, cozy room, watch trash tv and eat comfort foods. i know people say that god doesn't give you more than you can handle...but heck, he sure does think a lot of you doesn't he? one day at a time, breathe in and out, just keep swimming and a bunch of other platitudes usually said at trying times...you know i am here for you, playing devil's advocate, sounding board, voice of reason, whatever. you are my guidepost on the journey of teen parenting.... it is like i am following in your footsteps on the fresh snow, looking for the safe places to set my feet....hang in there darling...things will get better.
Posted by: pcsmart | February 20, 2009 at 10:19 PM
I LOVE your daisy collection! It's so bright and happy. Just looking at the pictures made me smile. :)
I'm so sorry you're going through the medical issues you've been experiencing. I hope the Doctors come up with a diagnosis soon and that it's easily fixable.
What? You really have a DH? And here I thought you were really Mrs. McDreamy-McSteamy and were just trying to fool us with all that talk about your DH. You're a great looking pair! CONGRATULATIONS on your 20 year wedding anniversary. That's quite an achievement these days and one that deserves celebration and recognition. May the two of you have another 20 wonderful years together.
Big HUGS and lots of prayers as you continue to work with John. Never underestimate the power of your unconditional love for him.
I hope Alyssa is feeling better soon, although her being sick may be a blessing in disguise as I know how much joy having her close brings you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Posted by: Becky (MsChiff) | February 20, 2009 at 07:36 PM
LOVE the daisy collection!
Hope that they figure out what's wrong with you ASAP!
HUGS on John. Hope that he gets his act together before the consequences are too severe.
Love the picture of the 2 of you!
Hope that Alyssa feels better soon. Being sick away from home is no fun and I'm sure that she's loving (and missing) the mothering....
Posted by: slammie | February 20, 2009 at 06:37 PM
I think you are doing just fine! With more challenges than I or you can catalog you are handling things the only way you can, one at a time, with grace and love (and the occassional rant which you are perfectly entitled too!). Tough love is exactly that - TOUGH! But we both know that without consequences, yours or others John won't learn the lessons he needs to. So hugs and wheelbarrow of support to you. The infamous DH! Glad to see and hear he's there. I hope Alyssa is feeling better soon. Freshman year is germ city for almost every college kid. Have fun taking care of her this weekend. Lastly, with all of this going on your sewing is adorable not to mention beautiful! Fabulous work. Stay well, and ((hugs)) to you too!
Posted by: Donna | February 20, 2009 at 05:12 PM
I'm pretty sure that picture is photoshopped, and you're really keeping McDreamy & McSteamy around. ;)
Kidding! I love the daisies Kelly. When you get your Etsy shop up and running you should offer custom work. I'd buy something like that for my kitchen!
As for John.. my husband (and his younger brother) were horrid, awful teenagers. It took some time, and a lot of growing pains, but they've both turned into really great men. Hang in there! *hugs*
Posted by: Jen (Kate77 on 2Peas) | February 20, 2009 at 03:19 PM
A couple things
1. Pretty sewing project.
2. HUGS about the medical tests I hope they solve things quickly and easily
3. HUGS and prayers about John. My mother faced many of the same issues with my brother and yes he had to pay the consequenses before he woke up and it wasn't fun or pretty for anyone involved.
4. WOW a picture of your hubby. Glad he's being wonderful and life is good there.
5. Hope Alyssa feels better soon. I'm sure she is happier in her bed with you taking care of her
HUGS my friend
Posted by: becky | February 20, 2009 at 02:52 PM