2009 started out with a very loud bang - and it is not the kind of bang I was hoping would ring in the new year. Therefore, in answer to the question, "where have you been?" I will just say this about that: parenting a wayward, rebellious, angry teenage son is nothing to blog about - I am emotionally worn out, and I have reached the end of my rope. But if I were to blog about the experience, words such as illegal, police, temptations, peer pressure, and trouble would surely be included. Having said that, I am just going to skip right over all other recent developments. (No one will ever accuse me of lacking the ability to tune out my reality!)
And so with the beginning of a new year, and a burning desire to maintain my sanity through all the craziness that surrounds me, I once again turned to the sewing machine - but before doing so, I loudly proclaimed to my family that I was going to my happy place, and may the good Lord help anyone who dared question my motives. Needless to say, they left me alone.
The first thing I did was an attempt to remind myself that love abounds even when disappointments occur. With that thought in mind, I went to the fabric store and purchased yards and yards of pink heart fabric because 1) I love pink, and 2) Valentine's Day is the next holiday on the calendar. After looking at the fabric for a few days, I came up with a pattern and design late one night when I was trying not to wallow in parenting hell. This Valentine table setting is nothing fancy, but it makes me happy. I made the circles using various sizes of kitchen drinking glasses. I made the strips using a rotary cutter and quilting ruler. The place mats were made by tracing something else I had sewn last summer. All applique work was sewn with my Baby Lock machine using the applique stitch and contrasting thread. Easy, breezy, pink heart fun!
Here is what I ended up with to remind myself that love is all around:
After completing the pink heart project, I still had oodles of fabric left over, and so I sketched out a pattern similar to something I had seen last fall at a craft fair. I've been wanting to make one of these circle thingies for ages, but could never figure out how to do so. It took me four attempts to get the measurements right, and I ended up throwing the first three prototypes away. I finally recruited my husband to help me out and together we were able to calculate the proper cutting lines and exact dimensions. Without his calm approach and exceptional patience, I doubt I would have ever been able to complete this design. As it is, I've now made two sets and have the entire project down to a single day. I'm thinking about opening an Etsy Shop, and so this was a test project. I'm still undecided about the Etsy Shop, but in the meantime, I'm having fun thinking about it and working on possible inventory.
And finally, a just because story because this provided a laugh out loud moment when I needed it most:
The way my mom, Jenny, Debbie and I email each other is all together - so what one person writes, everyone reads (although I have to say that I think Jenny reads much more than she writes!). On Christmas day, Debbie sent an email wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and commented on the Christmas scarf that her dog, Sophie, was wearing. Apparently, Jenny had made the scarf for Sophie as a little doggy gift. Later that day, Jenny responded to the email saying that her dog, Chloe, had a Christmas scarf on as well. Harrumph. No scarves here in Virginia! I was feeling left out.
The following week, I had to sew up some new diaper wraps for my poor little pitiful dog who is still in a wheelchair due to paralysis. When I was done with the dreaded project (I really hate sewing doggy diaper wraps), my husband commented that Misty was the best dressed dog in the whole wide world. I told him that she was NOT the best dressed dog because she did not warrant an Aunt Jenny Christmas scarf. I also passed the comment along to my sister via the family email route, making sure she knew that I noticed the scarf favoritism.
Later that week, Jeff went out to the mailbox and when he came inside, he was chuckling to himself. He then waved a letter in front of me and said, "Misty got mail." I grabbed the envelope and tore it open to discover a lovely new Aunt Jenny scarf made especially for Misty. Oh happy day! Doggy mail. What fun! If I open an Etsy Shop, dog scarves will definitely be included in the inventory. These scarves are so stinkin' cute!
That my sister would make Misty a scarf and send it to my dog in the mail made me laugh until I cried. The scarf arrived on a day when John and I had been going at each other like never before, and I was to the point of throwing in my parenting towel and going on a very long vacation to Never-Neverland. I so greatly appreciate the fact that Jenny saw humor in my utter disgust that Misty was overlooked at Christmas time. That she would spend her day off making a doggy scarf meant more to me than anything else at that moment in time, and it reminded me that no matter how far away she lives, my sister is there just when I need her most. Three cheers for Jenny - she made me laugh! I love you, sis.
Oh... good news: I have a new laptop. It's a Sony Vaio that is sangria red and it is absolutely wonderful. When I opened this gift from my husband on Christmas Day, I was utterly speechless (I thought I was getting a new coffee maker). It's taken me a while to figure out how to transfer programs and such, but I think I have finally figured out how to work with the pictures using Vista, which was the most important thing to learn, second only to trying to remember my user names and passwords for various personal files and websites. If things on the blog look wonky, the fault is solely my own due to inexperience with the laptop and Adobe.
A very belated Happy New Year to all. My hope is that it only gets better, because if it gets any worse, a trip to Never-Neverland just still might happen.
Love the pink heart stuff! SO CUTE. And GO JENNY on making Misty a scarf as well.
Posted by: Heather | January 29, 2009 at 05:42 PM
Those are great!
Posted by: Elizabeth | January 24, 2009 at 08:54 PM
Oh my heavens...those place mats are 'da bomb!!! Can you open your Etsy store SOON please? I really don't have money to spend but I LOVE THOSE THINGS!
Posted by: Joy | January 24, 2009 at 06:52 PM
Wow - I love the 15 point star. All your pieces are gorgeous but that one's my favorite.
Posted by: Dawn W | January 24, 2009 at 06:08 PM
I love Valentine's Day fabric too! We started a Mom's Craft Night Out group and we made Raggamuffin Heart Wreath's for VD last Sunday. We used one of the fabrics you used also. You'll have to check out my blog to see how they turned out.
If you open an etsy shop, I'll buy! I love your work!
Posted by: Cindi | January 22, 2009 at 09:00 AM
Kelly, I have missed communicating with you over the years. I went onto your site over Christmas break (as I saw the link in your Christmas letter) and spent happy hours pouring over all your family news. Seeing Alyssa makes my heart fill with joy! Hearing about John's struggles makes my heart break. I have encountered my own parenting struggles and my son is only 8. I would love to share with you. You are the MOST talented individual I know. I love your beautiful things! I think I should fly you back to decorate my house! I adore your beautiful heart designs. They make me happy, too! I hope things with John are a bit better. I am sure each day brings something new. I can relate to the doggie scarf! Our dog, Kasey, doesn't have any scarves, either! Now how sad is that? Anyway, I so enjoy reading about your life and getting caught up with your family. I miss you tremendously. Hugs to you! Sarah
Posted by: Sarah Klein | January 15, 2009 at 03:56 PM
glad your back. you were missed. my jr in college was home for Christmas, it went terrible. I don`t understand how things went so wrong. I tried to throw in my parenting towel..... didn`t work.
Posted by: Becky H | January 14, 2009 at 09:03 PM
LOL...I'm happy that Misty is part of the group now :-) Your table setting looks great and I think any Mother has longed for a trip to Never Neverland at least once.
Posted by: Marla | January 13, 2009 at 04:25 PM
Happy New Year, Kelly! I love, love, love the Valentines table decor. If you open an Etsy, I definately will be shopping there!
It's because of you, that I dusted off my sewing machine (well it's dusted off, I made a trip to the fabric store but that's as far as I've gotton).
Posted by: Kim | January 12, 2009 at 08:53 PM
Happy New Year to you znd wishes for a more peaceful stress free year than how it's begun. Stay in that happy place as long as you need to!
Posted by: Donna | January 12, 2009 at 05:50 PM
You are a wonderful seamstress! I love your work and would happily shop your etsy. :)
Posted by: valincal | January 12, 2009 at 03:36 PM
HUGS, sweetie! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Valentine's Day goodness. And the scarf is too cute for words.
Posted by: slammie | January 12, 2009 at 02:18 PM
I wish I could sew! You should open an Etsy shoppe for sure- it would be a hit! Continued good thoughts and hugs for you dealing with John and his medical problems kelly.
Posted by: Kip | January 12, 2009 at 12:24 PM
Kelly, you should DEFINITELY open an Etsy shop. You have a great talent for colors and patterns and as a "non-sewer" (is that a word?), I know many people would love to purchase your handmade, heart felt designs. Not to mention what a fabulous outlet it would be for you.
Sorry about John, glad about Jeff.
Hope the weather is treating you better on your side of the country that ours is out here. Snow, rain, flooding, it has been a wild ride.
Happy New Year. Love, Nancy
Posted by: Nancy G. | January 12, 2009 at 10:54 AM
I've been sewing also. Kelli got a body pillow for Christmas and wanted me to make her a couple of pillow cases. She gave me the measurements and told me that she wanted snaps down the long side so she wouldn't have to push the pillow into it, (Sorry forgot to take pictures).I made one and sent it to her, she loved it, will make another for her when she comes home for a visit over Valentines day weekend. Yea...we get to see her, haven't seen her since Thanksgiving. Weather in Yakima has been snowy, rainy, flooding. Yes flooding, the Yakima River flooded. She said they couldn't go anywhere, with the passes closed to Portland and Seattle. My guess is that they had flooding in Union Gap, very low laying area next to the river. She didn't explain where the flooding was. I don't thing it flooded out at Aunt Joyces place. To far from the river. But going into town may have been flooded or at least near to it. As for here it has been raining, flooding up north - they closed I-5 due to the floods for a few days. Ruined Jims plans on going to Lacey. Didn't know if they would reclose or not - they didn't. He will go up there the next weekend he gets off. As for Michael and I - we were worried about Michaels job, they are doing layoffs, Michael made it this time - he still has a job. Next layoffs will be at the end of March if business does not improve. We are starting to get excited about our next cruise - at the beginning of March. Everything is planned and paid for. Just have to print off the tickets and get to LAX. Hope things are getting better between you and John. Love Randi
Posted by: Randi | January 12, 2009 at 09:51 AM
Love the Valentine designes. I'm sorry about how things are going between you and John. I hope that things improve over the next few months. You're a great mom.
Posted by: becky | January 11, 2009 at 10:00 PM
first off - i LOVE your valentine designs! you inspire me to get personal with my sewing machine again (we have a whole love/hate thing going on). i feel for you on the doggie diapers, i am running a nursing home for elderly dogs right now and it is taking a toll on me (and my floors). sorry to hear things with john aren't getting easier. i cannot imagine your frustration. you are doing the best you can and more than most. your patience is endless. sending you loads of hugs....
Posted by: pcsmart | January 11, 2009 at 08:22 PM