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Becky H

No crying, good for you. I waited till we were out of sight before I bawled. That lasted about 5mins, and then I was O.K. The house was MUCH quieter. This year he did it all himself, the 3rd year you figure he knows the drill. Great pic`s, made me smile.

Kelly W.

No crying? Very impressive. I cannot imagine how hard it is to walk away, and let Alyssa start the next part of her life away from you.


Good for you for not crying! I did when I dropped my son off in Montana last week (maybe it was the fatigue after driving 3 days/2400 miles from CT) but I didn't want him to see. My son had the same expression on his face as Alyssa - excitement and happiness. Means they are more than ready for what's ahead!


Congrats on a great send-off and not crying. I cried for you reading that post. I can only imagine when it's my girl in 7 years. That is so funny about moving the furniture. Have to love the decorator in those girls in the middle of the mess!!


HOLY COW! Look at all of that stuff! LOL! Reminds me that when I moved in I had about 2 suitcases worth but when I moved out....(shaking head). Oh, they'll get the hang of being so close to the ceiling after they get a late nite phone call when they're sleeping and sit up to get the phone. I saw stars for over 15 minutes! HUGS to Mommy for being a trooper!


What a fabulous post. While I am struggling with sending my babies to Kindergarten in a short week one of my closest friends is sending her last baby to college - but it is a change of life no matter the grade or age.

Thanks for sharing.

pc smart

i am hoping that i will be as "stoic" as you when the time comes for maria to leave... maybe all the tension you have felt between you eased you both into this separation?


I'm happy for you! You did a great job, and yep, she's on her way - love the no room to wear shoes in the backseat shot - that is so cute. And...I'm one year behind's a funny mix of pure dread and happy anticiaption. Then, luckily, I have a 9 year cushion before the next one leaves my nest.


Okay, I cried reading YOUR blog! What am I going to do when I have to send one of mine off? I did have to laugh at the thought of moving furniture . . . how many rooms are in a quint? The 2 years I was in a dorm, we had 1 room, 2 girls -- first year was with communal bathrooms (which I lived right across from -- both a blessing and a curse!).

Pam Davis

Kelly, I am doing this a week from Tuesday. I am not sure I will be able to do this without shedding tears as I shed some just reading your blog. This is my daughters 2nd year of college but her first at living in the dorms. I so want her to experience college life and all it has to offer her.


Glad that the send off worked out so well. I'm proud of you for not crying.


Glad the send off was a success. so happy that she gave you a hug and realized how hard this is for you. {{{HUGS}}}}}


I was surprised that I didn't shed a tear either last weekend. I think what is helping me get by is knowing that she is only 1.5 hours away. WOuld you believe that the campus was already closed today because of Tropical Storm Fay? So, she got to sleep until 11 and when she called at two her and her roomie were still in their jammies watching TV. Classes officially start on Monday so I told her to enjoy the down time. I'm glad all went well.

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