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As I sit in my own room of stuff that's been around for anywhere from 2 days to 11 years (Oh my! Can't believe it's been that long since I picked up the hobby), I so totally get where you're coming from. I was visiting Terri back in early May and we were laughing at how crazy some women (including us) had been to get those punch art books -- I think I had just about every one of them published! I've saved my favorites, as I started a family portrait album with punch art on every page -- gonna have to finish it up that way as well. We've become more elaborate with the punch art -- now it's in the form of jolee's 3-D stickers . . . kinda. But I'm with you . . . I love just being able to create with stuff I love and not worry about what others think.

pc smart

from an outsider perspective - i believe scrapping evolved because of many is a fairly "new" craft so the supplies evolved as the 'pioneers' evolved, as more companies jumped on the band wagon their products had to outdo the previous ones, it is a neverending craft - just like you would not make 7 dresses with the same fabric you would not make 7 pages with the same paper.

Deanna Shain

Well said. And yes, many of us have made this full circle ride. I too have scrapbooked for over 12 years and worked in the industry for the majority of those years. It is amazing the joy that returns when we scrapbook from our hearts again instead of our heads (as women in the business). I now own a crafter's retreat house and it is serving as my own creative outlet; it has brought me back to working in my albums because I love to, not because I have samples to make or classes to teach. Pictures come first again, instead of the products, and with that I rediscovered my true joy and passion for this hobby.
Deanna in WA

Michelle T.

Have recently taken this journey myself. Wondered was I "done" scrapbooking. But as I began to really purge my room, I re-discovered treasures and realized I'm not finished just yet. But the desire for the latest and greatest is gone. Just the desire to continue the story. Very liberating! You put it so eloquently the very things I was feeling. Thanks!

Laura VanHoorn

Oh, thanks for this! I feel the same way. I'm just a simple scrapper and no matter how hard I try to follow the fussy trends, I just can't seem to make them work for me.

I still have some paper dolls and lots of stickers and I find myself using some of them on my pages these days. I have resolved to use up more of what I have, even if it's dated, and buy less until I get rid of this growing mess!

Angie K

I'm SO with you on this post! I was looking back on some "oldies, but goodies" in my stash, and came across an album I did with paper piecing bears. It was a year in the life of our family with a bear decorated for each month. Sure, it may look dated according to the trends, but it is something that I was very proud of then, and am still proud of today. I put a lot of my heart and soul into that album, and it shows to everyone who looks at it. Paper, glue, heart and soul - that's what scrapbooking means to me.


I hear ya! Hey, if your space is cleaned, can you come help me with mine? ;)


I couldn't have said it better myself. I think trying to keep up really sucked all the joy out of scrapbooking for me and that's a shame. Now I don't care. I drag out my old albums and chuckle at the paper piecing I labored over for hours with the chalk because it meant so much to me then. My girls would gather around and ooh and ahh over what Mommy did with their pictures and THAT is what is important. I still like seeing all the new products that come out but I no longer feel I have to run out and buy them because that is what's in.

Are you still with Luxe?


Very well said. I'm in just about the same spot as you. I don't care what's "hot" anymore. I scrap for me. Have fun!

Callie Ann

You made me happy. This post made me not feel guilty for not keeping up with the big wigs of scrapping. Thanks for the post girl. I am looking forward to hearing about your mom's visit. I really enjoyed it when you went out here for christmas that one year. I live in Oregon. See around Girl!!!


Kate and I were playing with my punches the other day and I was thinking about punch art. Maybe it'll make a comeback. Heh.


and I thought I was the only one who came to this conclusion. I scrap for me now not because of anything else and it is oh so freeing.

Amy Sorensen

I think it is many people are discovering this, now. Returning to scrapping for scrapping's sake. I'm glad you've not given it up because you're good at it!


Glad to know you're back doing what you love because it's fun. I just completed an album for a friend and had a blast because it was totally fun with no expectations or fear someone wouldn't like it. I knew even the basics would please him

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