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this made me cry! I always here the goofy BB9 Kelly-but this was so personal and so sweet. Wow. It touched me personally on two levels. To my 7 yr old, I'm an artist. She told me the other day that I needed to come to her school and teach art. And I too, am the baby of my famil of three daughters. I hope that my 7 yr old see's me as you see your mom one day!

Kim B

I love that quilt! I even went to JoAnn Fabrics just because you inspired me. Then I realized, I don't remember how to quilt! It's been too long. Needless to say, I didn't buy any fabric.

Happy Birthday to your mom. She will love that quilt.


Hope that your mom had an awesome birthday! that's one beautiful quilt!


I got the sewing bug from my Mom. She had me sewing by hand by the age of 8 and by machine at 10. I only had 3 years of machine sewing with her before she passes away. She would have been proud that I made my wedding dress 6 years later and all of Kellis dresses until she was in 6th grade. Kelli never got into sewing, she made a quilt in 11th grade of left over material from the dresses I made her, after that she said that she had enough sewing. Now I'm waiting for grandbabies (none in the the future) to sew for. Randi


Our Moms have the same birthday!! Happy Birthday Kelly's Mom!

pc smart

i loved this really spoke to me. while my mom is the total and complete opposite of yours, i have had other female relatives who were just like her. without them, i would not still be puttering around "making stuff"....
happy birthday to your mom!!!!

Amy Sorensen

Such a sweet are blessed to have such a great relationship with your mom. And the quilt turned out beautiful!!! Love those bright, cheery colors.


Kelly what a totally beautiful tribute to your MOM. THe quilt you made is absolutely gorgeous


To Kelly's Mom . . . .HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hoping Texas and San Antonio is treating you well. You sure did bless Kelly with a superior crafting gene!

Kelly -- loving that quilt!

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