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« Santa's sleigh has left the building | Main | Time: dawdling, dabbling, distracting... DIGITAL! »


JenC (aka Kate77)

Talk about a time sucker... I've been reading your blog! :) How have I missed it all this time? I'm the EXACT same way with emails. If I have one from a "real" person I have to read it. And then they sit in my inbox, waiting to be replied to.

Patti Smith

Glad your back I too have checked several times and was afraid son was sick again...Happy New Year and look forward to hearing and seeing what you are doing with the digital frame
...My son gave me one for Christmas also and I love it too!!
Patti Smith


Kelly, I hope you don't mind. I will not send you an email. I will only comment here. I totally enjoy your blog (one of my time-suckers - blog hopping)! The truth is you've been a busy girl doing fun stuff. If people really need to contact you, they will call (home #, not cell #) instead of email :) Happy 2008!!

Becky H

glad your back. happy new year.


You're back!!!! Yipee do you realize how many times a day I check your blog to see if there is anything knew?

Glad life is ok. Hope John gets better soon.


Welcome back..It's been awhile. Winter quarter started on the 7th, only thing wrong with that is the books for Kelli's classes are not in yet. She's hoping that they will be in this week. Since all the students don't have books there is nothing the teacher can do. As for New Years Resolutions, Michael and I made one that we can keep, HAVE FUN ON OUR CRUISE IN MAY. Sounds good. We finally got Michaels Passport, so we have already done the advance checkin for the cruise. Just 4 1/2 more months. Love Randi


She's ALIVE!!!!! YAY! Love your new toys!

Kelly Jo

Happy, Happy New Year!!!...and No email. lol

Kim B.

Happy New Year, Kelli. Glad your back among the bloggers.


Glad you updated your blog! I was wondering if you were doing ok. Congrats on all your new toys. I enjoyed the Gregory books and they were totally out of my "normal genre" reads.


Hi Kelly! I found your blog from 2Peas morning thread a while ago, and I really enjoy it! What photo frame do you have? We got one at Target and weren't happy with it at all, but it sounds so neat. So, would you recommend the one you have?


good to see you.

but darling, you need to learn how to answer emails in 10 words or less. that way you can answer a lot of them all at once! LOL

hugs and i'll see you in anaheim!


Oh Kelly, would it be evil of me to send you an e-mail right this very minute?! lol Your post made me smile. I love your convoluted way of thinking. It's not to different than mine.

And finally, thanks for the warning about the digi frame. I've seen them around... my FIL has one, and I seriously thought of getting my mom and dad one. But I never thought of getting one to upload digi LOs onto! Eeeeeek!

Amy Sorensen

Kelly, I read the Dark Materials trilogy this December, too. Love thinking that we were reading the same books at the same time! I fully intend on blogging about it, as I have continued to think about it. Hugs!


((((((Kelly)))))) Totally understand that email thing. I still have your emails in my inbox so that I remember to email you and get caught up now that Christmas is over!

Golden Compass -- we decided that it was not something that we wanted our kids to read at this point. . . however, they are quite a bit younger and more impressionable.

Loving the cute new phone!


I wonder if you have ever explored Season Affective Disorder about John. I seem to remember, you had difficulties with him this time last year. Some people don't have a full blown case but have tendancies toward a seasonal depressive cycle.

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