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« Time: dawdling, dabbling, distracting... DIGITAL! | Main | Sunny Kitchen Project (how-to guide included) »



Hey Kelly, long time no see. How's your furbaby? Your sewing inspires me. If you can take some time off work and sew, so can I! I got rid of my sewing room to build my studio, so I have to create space in my working office. THAT will be my week's project fit in between organization and work. I'm glad I am catching up w/ you b/c you've already inspired me in the first five seconds. Keep in touch. I've missed you!!!


Read the book over the weekend as well. Told Elaine I was going to pass it her way when I finished it. . . .then I got to the last several chapters. SOOOOO can't pass it on! It was a good book though.

Heather at Grace303

Good luck on making your placemats turn out the way you want them to. I am sure you will think of something. I have picked up that book, but have not started it yet. I am finishing up Eat, Pray, Love.

Tracy Whitney

Just wanted to add that I've read a lot of the same books you have, according to your sidebar list. Have you read Kristin Hannah? I think you might like her.
Let me nkow if you give her a try... : )

Tracy Whitney

Thanks for the book suggestion. Your method of selecting books to read is exactly the way I like to choose. Works for me!

Kelly S.

I'd rip and fix the bias myself. If I make something I don't like and don't fix it, it becomes clutter in the back of the cabinet. Might as well spend a little more time and make it something I can love (or at least live with!) ;-D

Hope you find what makes it perfect in your eyes!

Amy Sorensen

Kelly, I'm glad you got snow! And I think your placemats are adorable, although I can see the binding maybe not being your favorite. They are GREAT, though! Do you use a pattern to cut them into that perfect oval shape? How'd you DO that? I am thinking I need to get over my fear of free-form quilting by making some placemats and a table runner or two!


Oooops. Meant "placemats" not "placements".


Don't put the placements in the fixing pile. Go grab some wide bias binding in a plain colour and sew that over the stripy binding. It'll work. Truly.


Glad that book has the "Kelly seal of approval" - I picked it up on a whim at Target a few weeks ago and its sitting on my "waiting to read" shelf (which I restocked pre-move and then have barely touched).

Miss you... hope we get to catch up soon!


Don't, I repeat don't move to Buffalo! Unlike you I do like snow. What I hate is the mailman and the newspaper delivery man walking across my beautiful white, pristine front lawn, urgh!! Unless it's bitter, bitter cold, it has to be a major snowstorm for us to close our schools so I usually don't expect it when we have snow. But I understand Virginia. I lived in Kentucky where they rarely get snow and a few flakes usually brought out the National Guard! Here's hoping spring comes soon for you. Me, I'm hunkering down for the long haul!


love the snow pictures - hoping to get some today AFTER my garage sale. LOL! as for the border, I completely missed that and couldn't figure out what you were talking about until I *really* looked - must be too early for me. HA!


So fun to see your sewing project!...but yeah...the stripes...for me, that would go into a 'someday I'll get around to fixing it' pile. Bit I like the idea of bright and cheery colors this time of year. I had to tell, I enjoyed The Friday Night Knitting Club also. And did you know Julia Roberts bought the rights before it was published? It's slated for 2009 - role written for her, I'd say.


Arrgghh. I wish I was doing what you were doing today! I was praying for a snow day too...but noooooo

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