Please, Please, Please update your blog. Every time I hope something new is on there, all I see is Harry Potter. Okay, I realize you love the books, but please take a few minutes and talk about your camera, CHA, next weeks road trip, mom being gone, Kenzie’s new hair cut, hell explain that you are a Big Brother junkie, just get rid of Harry.
Jen is my sister... I am assuming that she feels she has the right to say what others are probably thinking as well. So, tell me how you really feel? Sick to death of my Harry Potter entry? Admittedly, I am a blog slacker during the summer months.
Keeping that in mind, the abbreviated July update is as follows:
- My little travel camera broke at CHA and I didn't get one picture the entire trip. Note that this has me up in arms.
- Prior to CHA, John went on vacation with his best friend's family. He was extremely sick for five days while on the vacation. I spent the entire time afraid that he would end up in the hospital. When he returned home, a huge burden was lifted.
- Alyssa is becoming a driving fool. She anticipates taking her driver's test before school begins. In the meantime, she is my chauffeur. My blood pressure rises to an unprecedented level when Alyssa is behind the wheel. Not because she's a bad driver (she's not nearly as bad as she once was), but because I am not ready for her to make this final transition from childhood.
- I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Tuesday. I'm now reading it a second time. Did I like the book? I LOVED the book! I now have Post Potter Depression (PPD). Saying good-bye to Harry is like telling an old friend farewell.
- Jen is right, I'm a Big Brother junkie... darn live feeds - they suck me in.
- Alyssa and I are going on a road trip next week. We will be touring Virginia colleges. I'm excited for her, but having a hard time accepting the fact that she is a senior and this is the beginning of the end.
- More on CHA: I had a blast during the after hours (so many friends, so many memories, so much fun), and I am in love with the new Luxe collections. I hope to post some photos soon (photos that were not taken at CHA, but that I will take at home).
- Summer is super busy, but relatively uneventful. Why is that? Not much happens, thus not much to report.
And that, my friends, is the short version of life in the House of Edge. I will make it a priority to post some summer photos and write a more "Kelly-like" entry in the next day or so. Alyssa and I are going to the outlet mall today - maybe something blog-worthy will happen!
In the meantime, if further proof is required that I am alive, here is a YouTube video that shows me working at CHA last week.
This one made me laugh out loud! Thanks Jen for telling her what the rest of us were thinking...."Sayonara Harry"
Posted by: Nancy G. | July 30, 2007 at 06:29 PM
Thank goodness it's been updated! I wasn't going to be as rough as your sister was. LOL!
Posted by: slammie | July 28, 2007 at 08:24 AM
Glad to see you're doing OK! I was worried. I, too, am suffering from PPD. Badly. Becky asked me if I'd read it a second time yet and I did that hysterical laugh thing...I can't read it again yet, I'm too sad it's over! Anyway---glad to "see" you!
Posted by: Amy Sorensen | July 28, 2007 at 12:52 AM
Cool video!
We just got our Harry Potter (it had to come from Canada so it took a while). DH finished it in six hours, so now it's my turn. I'm just a few chapters in.
Posted by: Helena | July 27, 2007 at 11:00 PM
I, too, am suffering from finishing the final Harry Potter story. I really tried to savor each chapter while reading, but ending up devouring it in one afternoon. The best one, in my never-been-humble opinion.
Posted by: kelly | July 27, 2007 at 02:53 PM
THANK you, Jen! While I thought you were busy, I could not help but think...where is she??
Thanks for updating!
Posted by: Gina | July 27, 2007 at 02:40 PM
Posted by: jenny | July 27, 2007 at 01:13 PM
She's baaacccckkk! I was just about to e-mail you to make sure you hadn't stumbled upon Diagon Alley or Godric's Hollow! I'm still reading so don't spoil the ending. How unfair for life to interrupt blogging time! Have a great road trip with Alyssa. Donns
Posted by: Donna | July 27, 2007 at 10:10 AM
Whoo Hoo you posted. Glad to see you back. When do you come to Dallas again?
Posted by: Becky | July 27, 2007 at 08:08 AM