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*AHEM* My name too, is Kelly, and I'm a dietcokeaholic.

My obsession with mcd's dietcoke is legendary. drives my poor dh nuts because nothing else is the same...and uh, of course I've done a layout about my McObsession :P

Deanna Shain

Although we have never met, I sometimes think we must be related! LOL! Your quest for the perfect fountain Coke describes me to a tee. And I thought I was the only one that ranked McD's straws number one and hoarded them for times when competitor's straws don't cut it (Wendy's are the WORST). My dh just joked the other day that I am the only person he knows that will drive through McD's drive thru just to order a Coke...when there is a garage full at home!! Well, now I can tell him I'm not the only one!!! Thanks for affirming what I already believe to be completely normal fountain drink behavior!!!
And I soooooo feel your prom-absence pain....been there! Well, it wasn't Texas, but it was a scrapbook business trip that caused me to miss my dd's junior formal. Luckily it wasn't senior year!


Love, love, LOVE the Pioneer Woman...and yes, it is a time sucker, but I SO love reading about her Marlboro Man...


I am a SONIC girl myself. Perfect ice! The styrofoam cup doesn't sweat in the Texas heat. I hate Wendy's cups the only ones worse are Jack in the box. McDonald's will do in a pinch. As you see you are not the only one with fountain issues. Have a great time in my fair city! Hopefully we are done w/our storms for a while. Only 10 days in May w/o rain but we really needed it. Every thing is vibrant green. By the way I found the Pioneer woman about a month ago...she is a hoot and her recipes make me drool!
Take care friend!


I love that little blue and black book! I have never done a mini album and part of the reason that I have umpteen,000 photos waiting to be laid out is because I cannot imagine coming up with enough stuff to put on a 12x12 anymore... you definately have a point there!
ps...I will not buy any soda that won't fit into the cup! I shoved a cup into the bracket and it gave way at 70 mph on the front seat.

tracy whitney

Right now I am passionate about cherry vanilla diet dr. pepper. It's like crack. I almost never buy soda to stock in the fridge - not crazy about my kids drinking it, but I couldn't resist a 12-pack while grocery shopping last week.

Amy Sorensen

Kelly, I'm giggling at your little soda obsession---the cup and everything. I agree with you that it all has to be perfect; somewhere along the line I've discovered a little gas station near me that has the PERFECT cups (they are refillable!) and the PERFECT ice (I like crushed, but not TOO crushed). Now the problem is that EVERY day I want one! I'm getting fat!


Ah! Another Pioneer Woman convert!!!!! Don't tell Torm, but Ree's blog has taken over Torm's blog as my first read of the day. ;)


WOW! You soooo have to do a layout about this drink obsession of yours! LOL! Loving' the mini-album, too!


personally i'm a fan of the crushed ice. one of my favorite things about sonic. that and their drinks are oh so good. can't wait for ds to start summer school so i can hit sonic on a daily basis without him telling dh. dd isn't old enough to understand to tell daddy that mommy hits sonic on a daily basis.

i love mini books too and am always looking for a reason to make one. will have to remember to make one just for fun. they are so easy and i always feel like i actually finished something.


Hoping the classes go well .. . love that little board book thing you've got going on. I've got 3 baskets of mini albums. . . . 1 basket full of completed ones and 2 baskets that are full of albums waiting for pictures.


Dearest Kelly, oh how I love you. Like you I am a passionate addict to several things. (said the lady who is just now checking your blog for the day because she's been consumed by a book!)

I do really think Mc D's coke and orange soda is great. I don't get there often (waaay out of the way unless going to airport) but Sonic has some excellent fountain drinks. I like to get flavored sodas there and they have the nice little crushed ice. (plenty of it!)

LOVE the mini books too. So fabulous and I'm intrigued by the idea of displaying them. I might get sucked in.

Well back to cleaning out my studio... that's one of my current obsession/addictions...


I am taken with the idea of a wicker basket full of mini albums.

Linda aka Kropster

Looking forward to your class first thing Thursday morning in Arlington!
The last time I saw you was in Arlington 6 years ago when you were wearing all the ribbons!!!
Linda (aka Kropster)

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