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robyn bedsaul

OMGosh! Now they just need a Vera Bradley man-bag to go with them! those poor models


Holy Cow. They're kind of like my Korean old lady pants, but more tailored. Now I have seen everything.

Amy Sorensen

LOL...this one made my day. I needed a silly giggle! Then I forwarded the link to Kendell and we laughed together.


That's about the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
Don't you think the models look a bit embarrassed!
Hope all is well.

Trish D

Suddenly the ridiculous "hammer" pants of the 80's don't seem so bad. At least the model on the right was allowed to express his true feelings on the apparel, while the model on the left is wondering where on earth he left his dignity...

Teresa Wilkins

Never....and I repeat....NEVER would my husband or my 3 sons wear this kind of crazy pants. Although I think some of the fabrics would make a very nice sundress!

tracy whitney

I am trying to think of ONE MAN I know that would wear these in public. Can't think of a single one...


SNORT .. . the hairdresser in my life wouldn't wear those! I don't think . . . I'll ask him Saturday when he's doing my hair.

Becky H

Here are the reasons for those pants: 1. It was a dare. As in I dare you to put those in the catalog. 2. Drinking was involved. After a few cocktails they thought these were going to be the next thing. 3. There is a hidden camera.


I would let Jason wear these. We have a 'don't question my fashion' clause... so I'd go ahead and let him make a fool of himself. However, I feel safe in saying he'd NEVER wear them.

They are so over the top I can't stop looking. I am REALLY glad you shared with us. Totally made this morning um... bright. LOL!


OUCH! Those are bad. P&PT for Lisa's mom....


Two words: Clinton Kelly. He'd wear them. (You know - What Not to Wear, but I guess he probably wouldn't take his own advice on those pants. I can totally see him in them.) Or maybe even Carson Kressly from Queer Eye.


i can't imagine any man i know wearing those. my brother won't wear the plaid shorts all the boys are wearing, i wonder what he'd think of these. those i just can't even find the words for. i would laugh at any man i saw wearing those. i don't even think i'd want to wear them.


The guy I work with wore something like that to work once (he's 30) and he was told not to wear them again. Need to inform you about Lisa (babys mom). Just found out the she had contractions - several every 5 minutes - on Sunday. Spent Sunday and Monday in the hospital. They got the contractions to stop (baby not due for another month and a half). She was informed that if she has more than 5 contractions on any day she is suppose to get to her doctors. They figure the baby weighs around 5lbs and is about 18 inches long. He is in the breach position. They say if she should deliver early the baby would be alright, his lungs are developed enough. But right now every thing is alright. No baby yet. We told her to tell the little one to stay quiet for a few more weeks. He needs to gain weight and develope some more. Will keep you posted as I learn more. Randi


I have to believe she is designing for one of four men:

1. The guy who read The Preppy Handbook from cover to cover and believed the authors when they said that it was cool for men to wear cordoroy slacks with tiny whales or turtles embroidered on them (and considering that Brooks Brothers has pulled some of those patterns out of the time machine in the last couple of years, who is to say this might not be slightly on trend?)

2. The guy who loved his JAMS in the 80s and has secretly dreamed of a way to somehow incorporate inappropriate choices of bottoms in to his wardrobe now that all things 80s are cool again.

3. Golfers. Surely plaid pants get boring on the course.

4. Southern gentlemen. Having had a certain New Orleans trained attorney with his seersucker suits as a friend for many years, I've given up questioning the appropriateness of certain fashion choices. Then again, see numbers 1, 2, and 3 as further back up!


Those are horridly ugly. Wow! My eyes are hurting after looking at them. And nooooooo, I would never EVER let my husband wear something like that. Not that my opinion would matter because the kids he teaches... they'd laugh him out of town! LOL

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