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Glad to have you back. Garage Sales time is upon us now. So you know what that baby things. I already spent $1.50 on two items. Now all I need to do is get Brandons new address so when I get a bunch I can mail them to him. I went to Spankys yesturday and got 4 onezys (these were new with the original price tags sitll on them) for under $6. It cost just over $5 to mail them to my sister so she can take them to Brandon on June 2. June 20 is due date...the countdown has started.


GIANT HUGS, sweetie! so glad that you finally updated so we didn't have to send out a search party for you! LOL!


Glad today is good! {grin} I was about to email you and thought "I'll check the blog . . . again." tehehe . . glad I did. As soon as I saw your comment about no new GA on Thursday, I thought "But So you Think you can Dance is on now!" GMTA, huh?

It's good to hear that the police filed charges against the other boy, but I know testifying will be hard for John.

Hugs to you . . .


Glad to see you back!
I'm so mad at the way they ended GA but that's why it's called a cliff hanger so I'll be chomping at the bit for it to come back on! Have a great long weekend!

Marie Starr

Kelly: I love that joke about too much TV! LOL!!

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