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Kelly Goree

Oh Kel...huge hugs. I'm so sorry Norm and your family is having to fight this ugly disease.

A good family friend lost his fight with Cancer this weekend and his 13 yo daughter said too "Cancer sucks." There's really no other way to put it, is there? I'll be praying for your family....

Linda A. (elendae)

So sorry to hear about your step-dad - - but I have some encouragement and hope for you. My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in November 2005 - he had surgery and has been completely cancer free ever since. No chemo, no radiation, just a surgical decision that saved his life. We celebrated in November 2006 by bringing him and my Mom along with us on our Disney vacation - it truly was the trip of a lifetime! Hoping that the tests and recommendations turn out well for Norm, and that he is able to be treated and cured of his cancer.

Jennifer S.

{{{{{{{{Kelly}}}}}}}}} I hate cancer too, my friend. :( Prayers that he will be ok and the doctors can treat him!

Love you,

Karyn Terlecky

You know what I think about Cancer. I hope things go well for your Poppy! I wish I could take away the fear, the uncertainty, the whole damn journey for that matter. What more can I say? Nothing. I am here for you.


Kelly, So sorry to hear about Norm. Keep up your faith and we'll be thinking about you and yours. Randi


Oh no! Keeping you and your family in my prayers....did you get my email?


Thanks Kelly, I couldn't explain "Our Indestructible Poppy" any better. Who would have thought this could happen to the man who became our step-dad and turned into our dad. love you, Jen


I'm so sorry Kelly. Ironically, my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer AND diabetes this week. That sucks times two. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Norm WILL beat this, I have no doubt, as will my dad. Love ya!

janet o

Kelly...HUGS. The good thing is that this type of cancer is one of the most treatable out there...he will be OK, I know it!


I have two family members that were diagnosed with prostrate cancer in the last few years. They are now doing wonderful. If they caught it early enough his chances are really good of beating it! My thoughts will be with your family!


Cancer sucks! I am a lurker here and you don't know me at all...but your post this morning hit me square in the gut...Just wanted to send you a big cyber-hug to tell you that you are not alone in your fear and devastation. I too learned 7 months ago that my very own mother, the same mother that gave me life and raised me to be a compassionate and strong woman, taught me to be a mother, and grandparented my daughter, had lung cancer. She lost her battle just 3 weeks ago, and the devastation is complete. The devastation is total. The devastation is everything. That being said, it took some time to realize something good came out of all that chaos, and that was an even stronger family bond. If it weren't for the love and support of my family, I don't know how I would have survived it all. I guess my point is this: if you can go spend some time with your mother and it. No matter what happens you will be glad you did. And I agree with the comments before me, it doesn't have to mean the worst. Pray and hope and fight and take each day as it comes. You will be in my thoughts...<3


Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry. I know you will be a great strength to your mom. Even if you cannot be there, your prayers and your voice I know will give her courage.

I wish you were flying home - I'll be in Astoria next week for Spring Break...

Hugs, friend. Let me know if you need anything.


I'm sorry to hear your troubling news. I hope it helps to know that my uncle got through prostrate cancer years ago very well. Best wishes for the same your step dad and family.


You know I'm with you on the cancer thing . . . and living though that. {sigh} I'm sorry to hear about Norm. Sending hugs . . . .


Oh I know how that feeling of hating Cancer is. My father in law had Lung Cancer that took him away from us quickly and two getaways ago(1 year ago) we found out that the man that has been my grandmother's companion for 40 years had prostate cancer. But as someone said above, technology is amazing and Johnny did some really radical treatment where they did some implants under the skin in his arm and after 6 months the cancer had shrunk and then they went in and froze it and his numbers went from 15.2 to 1.1 and now he is cancer free. I will be praying for your family and for Norm. Big Hugs and much love.


Ohhhh, sweetie, GIANT HUGS! P&PT heading to your family....


I hate it too. I lost both my parents to it in 2000 and 2001. Nowadays though, they have all kinds of new meds and maybe Norm will be one of the lucky ones. I hope so!


It doesn't have to mean the worst. Keep the faith and take it one day at a time. All my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Keep in touch.

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