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Happy birthday to lovely PattyP!


Happy Birthday to your Mom. I remember her from when you and I worked together. My nephews (Brandon) girlfriend is going to have a baby in June. This will be the first grandbaby in the family - first baby in over 16 years - Jordan was the last one. I am having so much fun spending money on my new great-nephew (yep its going to be a boy). All of my overtime money is being spent on clothes for the little bit. Kelli keeps reminding me that this baby is not my grandbaby and to watch the spending (thrifty Kelli), but it's so much fun buying baby things again.


Many wonderful birthday wishes to Kelly's mom!!!!


Happy birthday to Kelly's Mom . . .sounds like you have a lot of great memories with her.

Sent you an email (actually 2) regarding this weekend . . . guessing maybe you haven't gotten them. Hopefully, you'll get them before you leave.

emine pala

Happy BIRTHDAY TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL MOTHER... she looks so nice!
The things you wrote about her brought tears in my eyes. I have 2 little kids (i'm 24 years old) and I realize that love is details. I want my kids to feel about me like the way you feel about your mother...
thank you for posting this


Amy Sorensen

you know you're lucky to have such a fabulous mom, right??? ;) I remember the bookmobile, too, which is weird because we had a library, but I remember it. GREAT memories!

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