My self imposed blogging time out is still in effect. However, I had to come out of hiding for this event, because it is THE EVENT of the season. And as Dr. Derek Shepherd would say, "It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun."
I will admit that one of the reasons I've been in time out is because I've been spending a whole lot of time bonding with my Grey's Anatomy Season 2 DVDs. And the Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack Volume 2; I've bonded with the music too. If you don't own these treasures yet, run, don't walk, to the nearest store and buy them. They are seriously the best media available. Seriously. I've danced, I've cried, I've laughed, and I've sang as I've listened to the music. And watching those shows again - oh my heck. It just doesn't get any better than that.
I should be ashamed to admit how many hours I've spent watching last season's episodes. But then I discovered that there are many, many people who are doing the same thing. Therefore, I am not ashamed at all. Instead, I am proud to say that I have discovered a way to squeeze in viewing time without becoming a vegetable on the sofa: I put the DVDs in my computer, I put my headphones on, and I pretend that I am working as I watch each and every episode for the fourth, fifth and even six, seventh and eighth time. Heck, my family doesn't even know what I'm doing. They think I'm busting my butt designing pages and working deals. And the funny thing is - while I've been pretending to be working, I actually have sold a page (digi, no less - how ironic is that?). And I've managed to work a couple of deals - or, I should be honest and confess that the deals actually fell in my lap. I didn't actually have to do much work at all. Okay, I did no work. The deals just happened. I've been on a lucky streak. Bonus!
So... the time has come. It's Season Premiere Day. And I could not be more excited. What is it about this show that has me all tied up in knots? It could be the music. Or maybe it is the chemistry between the characters. I am pretty sure that the awesome writing has a lot to do with it. But most of all, I think it is the directing. Yes, the directing. It's the way the camera moves and pans and captures the scenes. It's the colors and the texture and the feel of each scene. Peter Horton is pure genius. His directing is art in it's finest form. And I think that is why I love this show. It is art on screen. Combine the visual artistry of Peter Horton with the writing artistry of Shonda Rhimes and crew, and, well, for me, that is a masterpiece. And the music is the icing on the cake. The cast is the cherry. And when I sit down and watch this show, I become one with that which is known as Grey's Anatomy; I am a part of Seattle Grace.
So that's where I've been - gearing up for a new season of Grey's Anatomy. It's a big deal in my life. And yes, I agree with everyone who is thinking, "she really needs to get a life." True. But what fun would life be without guilty pleasures? Grey's Anatomy is my guilty pleasure.
And speaking of guilty, I am guilty of selfishness. Yes, that's right. I've been selfish. On Tuesday, September 12, I bought the Grey's Anatomy, Season 2 DVDs (purchased at 8:30 a.m. on the day of release I might add, as I went to Target without my hair combed and with no makeup on to ensure that I would be one of the first in line to buy these treasures, fearing that they might sell out before the end of the day). Alyssa was almost as excited as I was that these DVDs were in our possession. And that was fine. I don't mind the fact that my daughter loves this show. Not a problem. The problem only arises when 1) she asks me if she can borrow the DVDs and loan them to her boyfriend for the weekend, huh? And 2) I had a real problem loaning DVDs to Alyssa and Matt after I watched the UNCUT version of the steamy sex scene in the Season 2 finale. Man-oh-man, that scene is erotic. And the last thing I want is for my 16 year old daughter to watch it with her 18 year old boyfriend. Not going to happen. Not on my watch. Thus, I became the most selfish mother in America.
When Alyssa asked me if she could borrow the DVDs, my mouth dropped open. The audacity of her - to ask me such a thing the very week that I got the whole UNCUT versions of this show. My husband burst out laughing when Alyssa asked the question. He said, "Are you kidding? Your mother walks around the house carrying the box from room to room. She has slept with the box." True story because on the first night I had the new DVDs, I fell asleep in my chair holding the box and when he woke me up, I was clutching it to my chest. He continued by saying, "And now you think she is going to let those disks leave the house? Good luck." Sadly, he was right. I was too selfish to share my new DVDs. And so we compromised: Alyssa was allowed to take one DVD to Matt's house, but she was told to bring it home that same night, because previously, she had loaned my Season 1 DVDs to Matt and I didn't see those for six full weeks. Not good. Not good at all. Like I said, I take my Grey's Anatomy very seriously, and loaning out my DVDs is a serious infraction of the rules.
And so it goes, a new season of Grey's Anatomy, which I expect will include a serious dose of feel good television, with a healthy dose of love and laughter. What more could a person ask for? Really, I'm easy to please. And this show pleases me immensely.
I imagine my self imposed time out will end soon. I'm getting the itch to write again. I finally have new things to say and good news to share. There for a while, I feared I was becoming redundant and rather boring. Like I said, I really need to get a life. Thankfully, I think I've found the solution and I foresee many good things in my future.
It's all good. And it all begins tonight with the Season 3 premiere of Grey's Anatomy. Yeah, I'm exited.
Do you ever have one of those times you just have to get something off your chest?? right now is one of those times. Just to let everyone know, I only "know" kelly from her blog I came across it last year and have read every entry since then and even went back and read every blog before I came across it. To me Kelly is what a mother should be you can tell that she loves her kids and would do anything for them. You can tell that her kids love her just by seeing the pictures she takes of them. Here is the thing the husband comment is totally off base since she has spoke of her husband but really its just mean. Kelly is a beautiful woman with beautiful kids and she is VERY talented. I guess that if you really love the blog you read EVERY word and you KNOW everything about her that she has ever shared. I find it soo great that she has opened her heart and shared her feelings with us. I like her so much I worry about her when she isn't here. I check three and four times a day for updates. All I ask is that you take the blog for what it is a wonderful piece of work from a wonderful woman either read it cause you love it or don't read it cause you don't.
Posted by: Jessica | September 23, 2006 at 03:31 PM
I couldn't watch it till Friday night. The writers are so great. I go back and forth between loving McDreamy to hateing him. I find in interesting on how the female world has obsessed w/this show. I've never been a big CSI fan and read where GA's beat CSI in the ratings.
Take care
L in Dallas
Posted by: Lucinda | September 23, 2006 at 09:39 AM
ok, you are right. and no inside joke.. but you gotta admit its a RARE occastion that this man is mentioned... Kelly opens her heart about her deeepest fears and desires and he is rarely a passing mention... read Sophia's blog - she references Doug EVERY single time.. i was just curious... that is all... blog lurker...
Posted by: suzie | September 22, 2006 at 11:58 PM
OK Ok maybe I am missing the husband question, maybe its an inside joke.. If so I am sorry for posting this but in this blog she said "My husband burst out laughing when Alyssa asked the question. He said, "Are you kidding? Your mother walks around the house carrying the box from room to room. She has slept with the box." True story because on the first night I had the new DVDs, I fell asleep in my chair holding the box and when he woke me up, I was clutching it to my chest. He continued by saying, "And now you think she is going to let those disks leave the house? Good luck." Sadly, he was right
Posted by: Jessica | September 22, 2006 at 11:20 PM
You are so funny! Love hearing all your thoughts - you are THE PEA expert on GA!!!!
Posted by: Julie Ann Shahin | September 22, 2006 at 12:06 PM
i mclove it.
Posted by: Katrina | September 22, 2006 at 07:30 AM
Can't wait to read some more Kelly updates...I need to remember to stop by individually because bloglines hasn't been updating me on your entries.
My friend Crys really likes this TV show. NOw after your post, I'm thinking I better watch it...I'm feeling totally out of the loop, LOL.
Posted by: maria | September 22, 2006 at 05:36 AM
Dude, is it possible for me to love these characters even more than I already did? Because I do. Darnit... I feel like I know them personally. I started crying three separate times this episode - when they first had Izzy on the floor, when Bailey was doing her own grieving through the glass with her patient, and finally when Christina crawled up on Burke's bed. And man, we were soooooo close to getting Alex's back story. I have my theories on that one and a very selfish part of me hopes they reveal it on the episode when you will be in Texas because I think you will totalliy get where my brain is going on that.
Okay, ramble over....
Posted by: Jennifer Lynn | September 21, 2006 at 11:17 PM
hmm... I am wondering if I should admit this to you, but I've never seen a single episode. not one. not even a minute. You've got me wondering if I should go check it out!
I do understand though- I went through a sex and the city marathon when it became available on dvd. (I rented though) I actually stayed up ALL NIGHT one time watching I was so glued. So.. yeah. I get the obsession over watching like that. It's cool Kelly. we love you!
Posted by: May | September 21, 2006 at 04:46 PM
Enjoy premiere night! I haven't done Grey's Anatomy yet . . .who knows, I might pick it up yet. tehehehe . . .wanna loan me a season? {smirk}
Looking forward to regular Kelly updates again!
Posted by: heather | September 21, 2006 at 03:35 PM
Yeah! I'm so excited too. Just can't wait for tonight.
Posted by: Kirsten | September 21, 2006 at 02:32 PM
Oh, I'm just green...I haven't been able to pick up the DVD's for Season 2 yet! Can't wait for tonight!!!
Posted by: Jen | September 21, 2006 at 02:07 PM
what about your husband... i still need neeed to know... you NEVER EVER mention him.. am I being insensitive ? i don't know. please share....... why you never ever mention him in your blogs.............. you have been thru some super tough times... where is he?
Posted by: suzie | September 21, 2006 at 01:20 PM
Welcome back friend! Good to read you again! :)
Posted by: scott cotner-young | September 21, 2006 at 01:09 PM
I refused to even think about the new season until this week. I just couldn't deal with the "Meridith?" and the "Meridith?" until this week. One huge issue: I am not in the least happy with the time and day change. I am getting my kids ready for bed during the 8:00 hour (central time zone here), and have either Junior League or Bunko on most Thursdays. Yeah for TiVo!
Posted by: Kelly | September 21, 2006 at 01:04 PM
Kels- McDid you Mcknow Peter Horton, himself, Mcwas on one McABFAB tv McShow awhile back McCalled: (Mc)THIRTYSOMETHING....that was McMy McGrey's back then!!!! And Peter's McCharacter, Gary, McDied....McSobbing McMania!!!!! So, of McCourse, he's McGoing to Mcknow McExactly what to Mcdo....he's Mcfreakin'....... McMazing! McHahaha!!!
Peaing Grey!!!!
Posted by: Peg Graham | September 21, 2006 at 10:32 AM
I am counting down with you! Every spare moment I've had has been dedicated to Grey's! Either rewatching an episode or searching for your threads on 2ps so I can get the latest updates. I"heart"you...seriously
I have a feeling this day is going to drag
Posted by: josie | September 21, 2006 at 09:17 AM
12 hours 16 minutes :)
Posted by: Amanda | September 21, 2006 at 08:43 AM
I can't wait to watch tonight. I love this show!
Posted by: Vee | September 21, 2006 at 08:42 AM
I can't wait for tonight either! I watched last night even though I have it on DVD and and have watched that episode earlier this week. And it still made me cry!
and by the entries have in no way become boring or redundant...Seriously!
Posted by: Nicole | September 21, 2006 at 05:50 AM