Book Club Tuesday: truly one of my favorite days of the month. Last night was no different. We had so much fun. I love spending time with my book club buddies because we talk about television shows as much as we discuss the monthly book selection. We got lucky last night because the crabby lady was a no show. The atmosphere was almost celebratory when we realized she was not going to be there raining on our parade. We all took a guess as to why she didn't attend the meeting. The consensus was that she stayed home to watch American Idol. The rest of us TiVo'd it, so we were able to enjoy the evening, knowing that when we were done, we could turn on our TiVo's and fast forward through all the commercials.
Speaking of Idol: I watched it twice once I returned from my book club gathering. I've got some opinions this week. And since it's my blog, that means I get to share them (grin):
- I have never heard the song Black Horse and a Cherry Tree before. But after hearing Katherine sing it, I am on the hunt for the original version. I really like this song, and I loved how she sang it, although I could have done without the dancing on her knees throughout the performance. That was a bit distracting. Regardless of the knee-dance, I'm glad she did well with her second song, because she sure did butcher the first one she sang. It actually made me cringe as I watched her struggle. I like Katherine. At first, I wanted her to win the whole she-bang. Now I just want her to stick around a little longer. I don't think she'll win, but I could be wrong. The judges adore her.
- Elliott continues to grow on me, and I thought he did well with both of his songs last night. He is one of those contestants who seems to get better and improve each week. His voice is soothing and smooth. I think I would buy his CD, therefore I guess that means I like him just fine. I can't believe that I actually think he has a chance at a spot in the finals. It very well may come down to him and Chris. If it goes by vocals alone, then he stands a chance of a coveted position in the final two.
- Chris won my heart way back during the audition process. I'm not a rock 'n roll fan, but when his CD is released, I'll be one of the first in line to buy it. He's changed my opinion of rock, which pleases my son immensely. When he sang his version of Styx Renegade, I was pleasantly surprised. Renegade is one of those songs that takes me right back to the days spent hanging out in my high school parking lot. So many memories tied up in one, single song. Thank heavens Chris didn't spoil those memories for me. I would have never forgiven him. I think he's going to win this competition. In my opinion, he's the best competitor and I believe he will win. However, for his overall career options, I think that he would be better off coming in second, rather than winning and being tied to the Idol empire for however long the contract is for. I say that from a business standpoint, and not from a promotional standpoint.
- Taylor Hicks. Okay, the guy is just plain "out there," but I like his personality and his voice so much that I want him to be in the finals of this competition. I will buy his CD no matter where he ends up this season. I love his voice and that's all there is to it. I've been cheering him on since his very first audition. He's one of my all-time-favorite Idols ever. Last night his songs were just so-so. But he has charisma, and charisma factors in a lot when it comes to American Idol. This is where he has the edge on Katherine and Elliott. They lack charisma.
- And finally, Little Miss Paris. I'm sorry to say, her speaking voice annoys the heck out of me and I just can't seem to get past that when she sings. I do NOT care for the way she over enunciates the words of her lyrics either. Plus, she says thank you to the judges regardless of what they say to her. That is insincere and just plain inappropriate, in my opinion. So I want her out of there... she's too young to win this competition. The others are more mature and their voices and styles are much more developed and refined. So I'll say buh-bye right now, and hope that I am right. I will be upset if Katherine or Elliott go home tonight.
Since TypePad was down all afternoon and evening yesterday, I was unable to post last night. I watched A.I. instead. All in all, not a bad deal. This entry may not be something anyone will care about next week, next month, or next year. But today, this is what I'm thinking about. That's what happens when I write in the mornings instead of at night. There is not a whole lot on my mind in the mornings. I'm a slow starter; it takes me a while to get going. And today, it's no wonder that I'm slow to start, considering I stayed up until 1:00 last night watching American Idol.
Just in case you haven't tracked down "Black Horse & The Cherry Tree." It by scottish singer KT Tunstall and the song is on her "Eye To The Telescope" cd. The whole cd is good.
Posted by: Stacey | May 04, 2006 at 12:04 PM
My fav I think for so many reasons is Taylor! Love him! Katherine and Chris are great too... so hard at this point!
Hope you are having a great week!
Posted by: Tawnya | May 03, 2006 at 09:20 PM
My fav I think for so many reasons is Taylor! Love him! Katherine and Chris are great too... so hard at this point!
Hope you are having a great week!
Posted by: Tawnya | May 03, 2006 at 09:20 PM
I see a little Taylor in you. Maybe that's why you like him so much. :)
Posted by: Amanda | May 03, 2006 at 05:21 PM
I have never been a huge Katherine fan . . . .I don't really care when she goes, however, Paris should definitely go.
I love Taylor . . .I love his personality and excitement. We were rolling last night at the Funky White Boy! He's just so entertaining and that's fun!
Chris. . . I think he'll probably win, but I'm just so not there in regards to his music . . . I just don't get it. Maybe I'm too old for it? {grin}
Elliot's growing on me. .. he's done well the last couple of weeks.
Glad you guys got a break from the crabby lady!
Posted by: Heather | May 03, 2006 at 03:11 PM
I MISSED AI LAST NIGHT! I will have to watch it on Tivo before it comes on tonight!
Posted by: Adrienne | May 03, 2006 at 10:04 AM
I totally could have written this entry, except for the part about buying Chris's CD. While I think he's an outstanding artist, I think his CD would give me a headache.
I'm hoping for a Chris/Taylor final.
Posted by: Cathy | May 03, 2006 at 09:46 AM