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Loving the project.

Haven't seen GA . . .but just hearing you describe it as "skin to skin contact" in the "tone" you do . . .makes my skin crawl!


Good luck teaching and that project looks amazing.

Heather D. White

I was equally disturbed by the ending, but it's because I know what kind of girl Meredith is. Poor George...poor trusting George. Sad. the sneak peek! They are going to love your class!!


I love the layout! I wish I could take one of your classes!!!

Peg Graham

Kelly- I literally screamed when Dylan exploded! I could not understand why they'd do that to such a McCutie!!! I am still 'hooked' even though Meredith is going to be on my 'bad girl' list now after she evem touches McSweetie, George. Oh has me on the edge of my seat, eh?

Hugs to you and your family. (Give John a super hug from me today)!



I watched GA again alst night but stopped before the very end. I was shouting 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO' when it happened. I'm not very happy about this at all. But McSteamy was nice to look at. ;)


Loved the layout, Kels. It did kind of scare me, as I thought, 'hey, wait a moment, did I miss Lyssie's birthday?' Whew. Not til June. Thinking of you- hoping you are not too stressed.

Hugs- Debs


Great LO. Have fun teaching. I hoping they update the blog so I can understand their reasoning behind Meredith and George...yuck! Have a great day!


I wish I watched Grey's but I find it doesn't keep my attention during that time slot. Perhaps if I TiVo'd it?! I enjoy "House" as a medical show. I love his character as the crusty old smart Internist. I am going to try to Tivo Grey's b/c the two I sat through I enjoyed. Good luck with your teaching. I wish I could attend! :)


Love your project! I SO love Grey's Anatomy!! Ive only seen THREE Episodes, and Im hooked! I want the season on DVD so I can see it from the beginning!!!

Dar Kaso

Im so with you on that ending, ewwwwww! Love George but not with Meredith, he deserves someone who will treat him good.

sherry steveson


I hear ya on GA.... just didn't sit well with me either... and according to the ABC message board... people were up in arms about that one too... seems almost like it was an AFTER THOUGHT to create that ending.. like... HOW do we end this.. OH I know.... just didn't fit... you know!


I'm really bitter about that ending, too. I agree....disturbing. I haven't even been able to watch it again on DVR b/c I know how it ends. And I can't put myself through it again.

Heidi (plualum)

Very cute LO! I'm not a sewer, so I have a great appreciation for you to be able to put material in a LO. Bravo!

P.S. let me know if you're in the area...I'll give you a tour of the house ;-)

Becky Thompson

Ok I really love the project you're doing. It'd be so fun to take a class in person!!

Grey's....grr. Hated the ending, too.


I've been waiting for them to update their blog too. Can't believe that ending. Any chance it is still in George's dream?? I suppose Meridith's mom did go for her dad, and they've definitely drawn some similarities between the dad and George. I really like George, but I can't begin to imagine the two of them together, so I hope it's not really true. Cute the stitch you're using between the bottom strips!


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