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Kelly, I'm so with you on the TV addiction thing! You're going to love TIVO .. .I too have the dish version (DVR) and I love it. It's been great for me this week with my awful bout of insomnia! I record quite a few shows and use the TV in our bedroom for that recording. . . so I can lay in bed and watch until the TV puts me to sleep.

And, so you're saying the tickets thing isn't the best idea? I was thinking of using something like that for these 3.


OH lady you are soooo lucky. I've been wanting that forever with DH saying tough too much money. ARGH. Enjoy and one day I'll be up and we can tivo a ton of shows to watch together later. hugs!

Nancy Nally (ScrapNancy)

OMG, I LOVE my TIVO!!! We have a whole library of children's shows - mostly Sesame Street - stored on it for Bridget and when she gets sick of them we record some more and delete the old ones. Anything we HAVE to see we record just in case, and I love that you can pause and rewind when you are watching live TV! "What happened? What did he just say?" or the phone rings...just hit pause or rewind!

Welcome to the wonderful world of TIVO!

Jennifer Stewart

You are GONNA LOVE TIVO!! I don't know what I'd do without it now. Not only can you watch what you want WHEN you want, but NO commercials. Ahhhh :)



Oh yea, I know what you're sayin'! I adore my TiVo and we're getting another one for the basement kids family room TV and I also want one for my studio TV but I can't justify that! LOL I was cracking up reading about watching Marcia Brady! "MARSHA MARSHA MARSHA!"

Heather D. White

Loved the journey through your personal TV watching history! LOL! I am definitely with you on is heaven sent! I am still able to have my entertainment time, but in LESS time. Can't stand commercials now. Even if we plan to watch it while it's on, we usually wait until it's 20 minutes into the show so we can forward through the commercials. Don't know how we ever lived without it!!


what an awesome gift for the TV lover!

Steph (Karlslove)

TIVO is such a great gift for you!!! That's a smart family you've got there!!!

Becky (mommaduck)

LOL at the ticket plan! Too funny. I'm addicted to certain shows, for sure...Alias, Lost, and VH1 in general :)

sherry steveson

LOVE this flash from the past.... I don't have Tivo... now I'm wondering if I should. I actually only watch Sunday, Thursday and Lost on TV.. nothing else!!! So.... I just "plan" my life around that. Your way sounds splendid!

Barb H.

Oh, I could totally have written this post. I remember all of the big tv moments, like Luke and Laura's wedding in the dorm lounge as well. I also remember hanging out in the dorm lounge watching the very new and very cool MTV. Remember watching Michael Jackson dance back when he wasn't a pervert? You'll love your TiVo, I have DVR and it's really great. It's changed how we watch television in this family.

Nic Howard

new Zealanders dont even know what TIVO is unless they know someone from the States. I explained it to my hubby the other day and he was blown away. Wow we havent even got caller ID, never mind Tivo.. lol



Oh - good for you!!! It's going to revolutionize the way you watch tv... within a week you'll wonder how you ever watched tv without it!

How great for your family to get you something so relevant and helpful and PERFECT!!!


Oh, Kelly, you are SO gonna LOVE TIVO! I'm not a big TV person these days, but I love the freedom to watch Oprah when I'm on the exercise bike at 7 a.m. (or 8, 9, 10, whenever). Tonight I watched the first two episodes of the Martha Stewart Apprentice show, back to back, fast-forwarding through the commercials, while I cooked dinner. (In our new "open" floor plan, I can see the TV from the kitchen -- yay!) Enjoy your new toy!!


tee hee - this is way funny!!!! love it!!! ;D


We have the Dish version (DVR) and I LOVE it. I don't watch much tv, but what I do watch, I want to watch! I love being able to pick and choose when I have time to sit and enjoy my tv uninterrupted! Great birthday gift!


I too love my tv and have had the same addictions over the years and am totally addicted to the same shows you listed. You will be so free with your TiVo. It will completely change your life.

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